Elevate Your Security with OWASP SAMM

About us

Enjoy the best design and functions combined together

My heading is awesome

Welcome to a realm where security meets strategy — the OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) assessments by Code Guardian. We believe that security should be ingrained in the very fabric of your software development lifecycle. With SAMM, we unlock the potential to evolve from mere security measures to a strategic, risk-aware approach.

Our OWASP SAMM Maturity Assessments meticulously gauge your organization’s security maturity across various domains. We assess, analyze, and provide a tailored roadmap, enabling you to bolster your defenses and foster a security-centric culture.

Step into the future of security preparedness. Join us in embracing OWASP SAMM, where every assessment is a step towards a fortified tomorrow.

The OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model

About us

Enjoy the best design and functions combined together

The OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) is an industry-leading framework that shines a light on your organization’s software security posture. At Code Guardian, we believe that a robust security strategy goes beyond mere patches and firewalls—it involves cultivating a culture of security awareness and continuous improvement.

Gain insight into your secure coding practices and start elevating your security posture today. Contact us and schedule your assessment.

responsive design

Tailor your security journey to your organizational needs and goals, creating a unique roadmap for enhanced protection.

super features

Progress steadily with a structured model, fostering ongoing security enhancement and resilience.

drag and drop

Measure your security progress and compare against benchmarks, providing a clear view of advancements in your security posture.